Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Ellis Family Adventure
We also want to thank you for allowing us to continue to live our lives as normal as possible during this time. We know we have an “army” of family and friends who are ready and willing to help at any given moment’s notice. For this too, we are so very grateful! We have currently reached the point in our journey where there is a need to communicate on a broader level to those we love. It is important that you do not expect updates on any kind of regular basis. Please know and trust that you will be updated as necessary. Thank you for understanding.
So how did we get here? Allow me to share an overview of our Adventure. It was four years ago, July 31, 2007, that we found out the name of the unwelcome guest in our home: Leiomyosarcoma. It was an X-ray the first of June 2007, that found a tumor on John’s spine (T8 & T9), wedged between his heart & left lung. A sarcoma caused by the radiation he had received 29 years earlier from his treatment for Hodgkin’s.
That fall season brought 3 rounds of in-patient chemo at “Hotel Holy Family”. He finished up in time so we could enjoy the Holidays. Next John underwent a 9 hour surgery at the end of January 2008 to remove the tumor, ½ to ¾ of his T8 & T9, and 20% of two ribs. They added two titanium rods. His recovery from surgery was followed by 25 rounds of radiation (John referred to as his “tanning bed sessions”).
The cancer had been completely eradicated from John’s spine! And for 10 months, we were “cancer free.” As we were Praising the Lord for his healing and trying to get our life back to some form of “normal” with three kids and a home, the doctors were watching some “nodes” in John’s lungs.
In April 2009 we found out that the cancer had metastasized to his lungs. After consulting with several doctors we were told that there was nothing medically that could be done. A PET scan in August 2010 revealed that the cancer had also metastasized to muscle groups, bone marrow, and the liver. We were instructed to contact Hospice.
That first meeting with Hospice on our pool deck (or “date” as Bernice calls it as anytime we’re together) was surreal - full of information and laughter! The Hospice nurse said that had she not seen the PET scan, she wouldn’t know why she was here. As she reviewed medical insurance and the Hospice ministry with us - we laughed at the weekly visits! John was still traveling for work as well as we had a “date” scheduled for Alaska and a Stehekin Pack Trip in September! You’d have to catch him first! This leads us to where we are today. We did have to initiate Hospice Care on March 28, 2011. The oxygen producing equipment was a huge blessing! We have our nurse who visits once a week. It’s only in the past two months that John has slowed working; and the month of July we feel “Pseudo Retired”! God has blessed us with this experience of what it would have been like to have retired together! John has also been pain free until a month ago. His weight loss has become evident the past couple months - as Jess puts it, "he’s disintegrating!” (a line from a Looney Tune cartoon that we enjoy as a family). In John’s words, “it’s a race between the lungs and the liver as to which will go first.”
Many ask about the children: God has been faithful to draw them closer to Himself during this time. Jessica is on the eve of her senior year at Mead High School and Nathan will begin his sophomore year. Laura Grace starts 4th grade. Both teenagers have been working much this summer: Jess at the Village Center Cinema’s and Nathan has been doing yard work for neighbors and friends. They appreciate your sensitivity as you continue to respect their privacy. Thank you for being sensitive to the children by not asking them how their father is doing.
There is a peace that passes ALL understanding in our home. There is much joy and laughter to balance out the tears. Although all 4 of us would love to “grab John’s hand and run out of this Valley”…. We are keeping our eyes on the Lord and trusting Him! He encourages us much along the way with the love and support we have been given through our family and friends!
Throughout this Adventure, I have often told John that he didn’t have to go to this extent so people would know why I married him! He has been faithful to his initial “battle cry” to his family: “This life is about only one thing: that we bring Glory to God in all we say & do” - and John has done just that. His attitude has remained undaunted. He is an inspiration to many.
Our time for needing assistance is quickly approaching. Our friend Julie Thackston has offered to coordinate those efforts. Some areas we might need help are: meals; yard care; house cleaning; and should school be in session, areas relating to the kids’ needs. If you are inclined to help, contact Julie at ellisfamilyadventure@gmail.com and let her know how you are able /willing to assist. She will then contact you when the need arises.
God has been very good to us! John and I have had a 20 year marriage that has been the nearest thing to heaven on earth! And walking together down this Valley has only drawn us closer together. God manifested our love in 3 beautiful children! There is joy and love of the most powerful kind in our home! We continue to Praise Him for all He has shown us and done for us! And to you, Dear Family and Friends, we are very thankful!