Wednesday, October 26, 2011

John passed away last night at 10:30 surrounded by family and friends. We are thankful he is now resting in the arms of his Heavenly Father. John did not lose his battle to cancer, he won the battle to live! His Celebration of Life service will be at Northview Bible Church on Saturday, November 5th, at 10:30am.


  1. All our thoughts and prayers are with you at this tough time. John is not hurting anymore and heaven has a wonderful new angel. The Scott Family/Carla, Shannon, Andrea & Trevor

  2. I am sorry Bea. You and the family are in my prayers.

  3. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. John was a great man and will be missed by many.

    The Ayala Family
    Louis, Susan, Ashley, Robert and Riley

  4. Love you all! Wow John is standing with Jesus right now. That is so amazing I cant even wrap my brain around it. Praying for you. Christie alvarez

  5. Love you, Bernice. Praying for your dear family. We know what an amazing man John was!

  6. dear bernice, when we were in spokane in august when we learned about john and his cancer. since then i have been watching your blog. i was so sad to learn about his death. i know that he will be very much missed in your lives... praise God for eternity! we will be praying for you and these next few difficult months. may God's love and peace be so near that you actually feel it.
    --Amy (and Adam) Rapelje
