Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thank you from Bernice

Words cannot express what is in our hearts----The children and I are very grateful for the outpouring of love since John's Home going! From those who came to his Life Celebration, or celebrated watching it on the internet; those who set up, served, or brought food to the Celebration; the outpouring of cards, flowers, and food to our home and the many other thoughtful gestures that we are not even aware of.... Thank you from the depths of our hearts!

As Jerry had said, John was a humble man and would have been embarassed by the "packed house" service-----but for his wife and children, it was a "cloud of witnesses" that testify to the many lives John's life impacted! We have begun to see the alpine tree decals showing up around town... how that blesses us! It not only honors John, but serves as a reminder to keep looking up!

Many ask how we are doing. That is a difficult question to answer! Our hope is increasing indeed!! However, it starts with the basic steps. Some days, I just have to remember to breathe! This was John's busy travel season, so in the blessed "numbing" that God sends at a time like this, to the kids and I, it just feels that he is on a business trip. However, he hasn't been calling home as he had always done..... and as that reality sets in for us in the weeks to come, we covet your prayers! For now, the real adventure begins!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thank You

The Ellis would like to express their gratitude to all that have come around them during this time. They have appreciated all of the help, company, food, love, support and encouragement that you all have been giving.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

If you are unable to attend John's service, but would like to watch it on the internet, it will be streamed live. You can go to and clink the link to watch the service live. The service will be on Saturday, November 5th, at 10:30 a.m. Pacific Standard Time.